The return of a Skyscrapa. Flowers in pots. Books in stacks. Enormous sleeves. Hand sewing. Time, and what to do while it’s passing. Our house is officially for sale, and it’s time to cast on.

To Be Read

Now Reading
- Worn, a people’s history of clothes, by Sofi Thanhauser. Great write up in the Literary Review here.
- Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion, by Tansy E Hoskins. Review here.
Climate justice inspiration: All That We Can Save, edited by Ayana E Johnson and Katherine K Wilkinson (Check out the All We Can Save Project here.)
Presenting, the bishop sleeve:

In hand sewing a new shirt I’m following in the footsteps of my friend, Laura, using the excellent Hand Sewing Clothing – a guide, by Louisa Owen Sonstroem
That hack for the Afterthought Heel is here. I have not tried this yet, but I am intrigued… Thanks again, Gypsy.
If you’re curious about the knitting dot com affair and can’t wait for the next podcast, search #knittingtwitter for Those Two Guys or this thread on (TW: snark.)
Music in this podcast:
- Merrigan’s Reel, Jim Fidler
- Home, Ben Rector

If you like what you heard in this podcast, I hope you’ll consider becoming a Patron, or buying me a coffee.