In this episode, knitting dessert first; the pivot; emergency socks; and the return of la mer.
The Russian join is very useful for use with chain plied yarns. Learn how here.
It will come as no surprise that I’m a huge advocate of “dessert first” as a methodology.

The heel I used for the Syncopation socks is Cat Bordhi’s Sweet Tomato Heel. The extra rounds worked between the heel sections impact the heel shape (below, left), but not the fit. The DPNs (below, centre) indicate the heel beginning and end. I added a third DPN in the last image to show the location of a standard heel flap.
What’s cool about this sock is that it creates space at the ankle, just like a gusset. See that little triangle? Magical integrated gusset!

“Use everything in your life to create your art.” Rebecca Wells, Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood Including vintage textiles and roofing nails, hinges and latches from the bucket in the corner of the garage. I love the random rust stains that ended up next to carefully planned embroidery.

I am so enjoying my textile collage class, Celtic Seascapes, with Isobel Moore. THIS is why I’ve been saving ephemera all my life!
Highly recommended: The Sea, The Sea, by Iris Murdoch.
Music in this episode:
- Jim Fidler, Merrigan’s Reel
- Tatiana Eva Marie & Avalon Jazz, La Mer

If you like what you heard in this podcast, I hope you’ll consider becoming a Patron, or buying me a coffee.
Hi Brenda,
as always I love spending a few minutes listening to your interesting stories about knitting, art and life in general. As always you inspire to try new things, Thank you! That textile course sounds fabulous!
I wanted to tell you about a Netflix series from 2020 “Dracula”…I loved it so much it made me start reading the book but as always life happened and it got put down but I’m going to start the Dracula email you mentioned!
Your Knit Sib in Newfoundland
And I do put on a sweater when I’m cold cause that’s what they’re for!
Just catching up with the podcast – it’s lovely to hear your calming voice again. A rather belated welcome back!
I’ve been listening for a while to the podcast Isobel Moore does with Gina Ferrari. Lots about embroidery, of course, but also artistic endeavours and issues in general. Highly recommended.