Socks of the month; over-sized shirts; stepping off the merry-go-round; and stuff.
Lunearia, off the needles. I could not be happier with them.

Next up, Ipomoea. Time-table hampered slightly by impending Secret Project deadline, and a hurt-y shoulder.

I haven’t wanted to wear a Big Shirt since the 90s, and then I saw the Cornell shirt, by ELBE Textiles. Perfect for Tonia; recommended by Pam; looks super comfy.

I am smitten by the Chandler Trousers, by Untitled Thoughts. (The blog is quite good as well.) Linen shorts were a test-make last summer, when my friend, Laura, was visiting. I’m ready for a full-sized pair. Bonus! I just discovered there is now an expansion pack for a fitted back. In case you’re not into elastic back trousers.
You can print these patterns via Patternsy.

All of EB White’s essay collections are available on Audible, for FREE. Cool! (You will need an Audible account to access these books, or, try your library.)
A Pattern Language is not free, but it’s available in most libraries. The blog post about my someday-maybe podcast based on the books is here.
Music in this episode:
- Jim Fidler, Merrigan’s Reel
- The Careful Ones, Home

If you like what you heard in this podcast, I hope you’ll consider becoming a Patron, or buying me a coffee.
Brenda, I started binging your podcast from the beginning a month ago and you’ve really fired me up! I was in a knitting slump and have since finished 2 pairs of socks (very plain) cast on a sea glass sweater for my stash leftovers, started a new spinning project and cast on a baby surprise jacket. Oh, I also work full time and it’s garden season. Keep the music and the episodes coming, I’m on 2011 and so happy to see that you’re still at it! Hugs from Michigan.