Falling down, playing in the knitting adjacent zone, beginnings, One Block Wonders, over under over under over under, and a new series!
I bought this loom kit by Fibercraft because it was cheap, and I liked the rocking heddle.
If you’re interrested in seeing a Brittany loom, check out tapestry weaver Rebecca Metzoff’s blog post on choosing a tapestry loom.
If you’d like to keep up with Japan’s 72 Seasons this year, try the app.
My last/only crochet project to date was this afghan.

I have chosen Magic Circles, by Jane Crowfoot (not Janie Crow, as stated in the podcast. I suck at names. It’s a condition.)

I’ll be using yarn from stash, and following the examples worked by Ravellers Karolyn333 and LittlePawsCrochet who both used the layout of the Attic 24’s Harmony afghan in the Meadow colourway.

The mash up between Harmony and Magic Circles reminded me very much of the colour transitions in One Block Wonder quilts, so I’m using yarn from stash and the quilt below as my inspiration for this project.

While we’re on the subject, check out these variations on the OBW theme. The quilt on the right, using men’s shirts, has long been a favourite. The charming village scene is a OBW cut from a panel designed by Robert Kaufman. There’s a good blog post on using panel fabric for OBW quilts here. I love the geometry of these quilts, and find the colours so inspiring.

To see more OBW Quilts, get thee to Pinterest! Fair warning: it’s a bit of a rabbit hole.
From the BBC’s HIstory Extra Podcast, Power Dressing: the hidden value of clothes in 19th century America. It’s a fascinating interview with legal scholar, Laura F Edwards, author of Only the Clothes on Her Back.
Music in this episode:
- Jim Fidler, Merrigan’s Reel
- Jamie Drake, Beginnings

If you like what you heard in this podcast, I hope you’ll consider becoming a Patron, or buying me a coffee.
Oh wow! Jane Crowfoot! (username on Ravelry is Janiecrow 🙂 ). Her designs are beautiful.
I would go ahead and cut up the tableclothes. It would be better to use them than to have them sit in a cupboard.