In this episode: Welcoming the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness by putting things in jars for later, admiring dramatic skies, planting for the future, knitting waistcoats and new hats,…
Cast On
In this episode, summer rain, and the last of the summer socks; the return of things from our life; baking chocolate cookies; and more glorious stranded colourwork from Knitsonik and…
Socks of the month; over-sized shirts; stepping off the merry-go-round; and stuff. Lunearia, off the needles. I could not be happier with them. Next up, Ipomoea. Time-table hampered slightly by…
Needles afire for summer socks; baking at midnight; running the numbers; standing atop a pile of made things. I have never seen myself as a wearer of ankle socks, but…
A sock heel that works with gradient dyed yarn; making a home; memories of dump runs past; buttons; the Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge. Syncopation socks are off the needles.…
In this episode, knitting dessert first; the pivot; emergency socks; and the return of la mer. The Russian join is very useful for use with chain plied yarns. Learn how…
Taking the valley with me; trying to knit grey yarn at dusk; gaining new skills, and enjoying Dracula, daily.
The first and best news, Tonia is home. Teaching herself to mend in order to stave off boredom, and providing a lap for grateful pets who are as relieved that…
Fiddly false starts. Ambushed by linen. The sound of knitting freedom. The answer is in the question. I’m sure there is a very good multi-syllabic German word for the feeling…
Simple tools. Sweaters for the Littles. Jeny Staiman’s amazing heel construction. And my spring sweater shortlist. Lilly’s Dahlia is officially FO! I bought my new toy/tool, the Simflex button gauge,…

I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.
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