IN THIS EPISODE: Stash enhancement; hat boxes of joy; the rug of sorrow; knitting memory lane, letting it go. Repeat after me: It is okay to rest. Thank you, past…
In this episode: Undone by Cosmo/Cosmo undone; colour blocking that didn’t; a summer romance; a bounty of beautiful sock yarn; packing projects for a journey with no end date; and…
In this episode: I have more projects on the needles at one time than EVER BEFORE. And I talk about all of them. If there is a podcast with more…
In this episode: The Great Airing of the Stash 2023; hibernating projects emerge, blinking, into the light; revisiting Paint Pan; Against all Odds’ and the Red Edge, plus a veritable…
In this episode: The production line; tiny arms; fussy cutting; the trouble with Esther; another one of those projects; beautifully visible mending; and a chat with Kim Werker, about finding…
In this episode: The style goddess; I Can Make Shoes; the button makes the knitwear (I have always said this); a return to form; Esther; and The Talisman. Kvetching is…
After talking about the mitts at such great length in last week’s podcast, I’m thrilled to release Kvetching, the fingerless mitts pattern created with Jeny Staiman, to Cast On Patrons.…
In this episode: Bias binding; finished objects; crafting chaos; plum blossoms; works in progress; and palette decisions. The level of craft chaos was high this week, but… Lilly’s retro-vibe pinnies…
In this episode: Flat socks, knit purl patterns, iteration, procrastination, and Kvetching. This week’s quest is to design some socks that are plain, but not boring to knit. I know.…
In this episode: Bra sewing. Yes, again; you say bojagi, I say pojagi; the work of a lifetime; pushing past the comfort zone; making plans for March, and a return…

I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.
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