the Red edge


197 Gradual stiffening

The weather. Men in shorts. The run down. Ta Da moments. And the moments before a plan comes together. The Red Edge is complete! The chart for Red Edge was…

154 More than a feeling

Bows. Bras. Extremely slow fashion. With added glamour. I watched these classes on Craftsy: Pattern Making Basics: The Skirt Sloper and Fitting Solo, from Measurements to Muslin. (FYI, Craftsy are…

153 I, Curator

Rats, Riverview, and the Red Edge. Plus, we are all hipsters now. Sorry. There’s a good description of the Iceland Bind Off here. The GIF at the bottom of the…

151 Palais Ideal

Envision the work. Collect the materials. Commit to the plan. Make. That’s how you build a palace. That’s how knit happens. The Riverfront Scarf and my Canyonlands WIP Pattern Cutting…


I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.


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